About Us
The Agricultural Technology Education Center (ATEC) is our classroom and laboratory teaching facility located at the UArizona Campus Agricultural Center where our AGTM lecture and laboratory courses are offered. The classroom seats 24 students. The laboratory is equipped with arc welding and oxywelding & cutting stations and equipment, an automated plasma arc cutting system, wood working equipment, and work space for students to engage in activities including two- and four-stroke small engine operation, disassembly & reassembly, both DC and AC electrical wiring activities, plumbing and irrigation activities, concrete mixing & pouring activities, solar PV energy system activities, tractor and ag equipment operation, topographic map reading, and land surveying. Each course includes one hour lecture, and six hours of laboratory per week. For more information about the ATEC, contact Dr. Edward Franklin.
Courses at the Agricultural Technology Education Center
AGTM 100 Principles and Practices of Agricultural Mechanics
AGTM 200 Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems with Applications to Agriculture
AGTM 330 Turf and Landscape Technology
AGTM 350 Applications in Agricultural Mechanics
AGTM 351 Operations in Agricultural Mechanization